In a chat with friends this morning, we were surprised at how few of us had ever been called for jury duty. I theorized that it was because so few cases go to trial, then looked up the statistics. There were 8,403 cases in my home county for all courts in 2023. How many were decided by jury? Four.

Finished the original run of Twin Peaks. If you haven’t seen it and you have a high tolerance for weird, you should watch it. Some of the subplots sag a bit in the second half of season two but the main story is strong throughout. Now on to the prequel film and then The Return!

Woke up this morning from a very disturbing dream AND with “Sh-boom” by the Chords playing in my head. I think I’ve been watching too much David Lynch.

In our final months in the Holiness church, the Spider Man movie and soundtrack came out. Rachel and I loved it. After church on Sunday nights, we’d roll our tv out of the closet (literally), put in the spider man dvd, go to special features, and watch this video over and over. Good, cheesy memories

My film wish: a low stakes Jane Austen style plot set in the Shire.

I agree with this guy’s assessment of February. Via Austin Kleon.

Good post from Manuel Moreale on the ways in which we label people. Individuals over identities, every time. Labels are only good for statistics and ideology–neither of which are good for anything.

I’m (finally!) getting a little better at noticing the mundane causes of my mood. Today I feel extremely bitter and uncaring. Eventually, I realized that I also feel very tired, and then remembered that I went to sleep later than usual, and in a bad mood. A midday nap will fix a good deal of this.

How we’re celebrating Imbolc/Candlemas

Content warning: paganism This year, a few holidays fall into this weekend: Candlemas, St. Brigid’s day, Imbolc. Maybe they’re historically related, maybe they’re not—you’ll have to look into that for yourself. Today I’ll just be writing about our plans. At some point in the past twenty years, I found out about Candlemas and the associated practice of eating crêpes (possibly because of their sun-like appearance?). That sounded good to us so we’ve been eating crêpes by candlelight every Candlemas for a few years now.

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I started watching Twin Peaks a few days ago. I know, given my interests and the fact that I’m a Gen X’er, this is ridiculously late. Just finished season one.