I’m (finally!) getting a little better at noticing the mundane causes of my mood. Today I feel extremely bitter and uncaring. Eventually, I realized that I also feel very tired, and then remembered that I went to sleep later than usual, and in a bad mood. A midday nap will fix a good deal of this.

How we’re celebrating Imbolc/Candlemas

Content warning: paganism This year, a few holidays fall into this weekend: Candlemas, St. Brigid’s day, Imbolc. Maybe they’re historically related, maybe they’re not—you’ll have to look into that for yourself. Today I’ll just be writing about our plans. At some point in the past twenty years, I found out about Candlemas and the associated practice of eating crêpes (possibly because of their sun-like appearance?). That sounded good to us so we’ve been eating crêpes by candlelight every Candlemas for a few years now.

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I started watching Twin Peaks a few days ago. I know, given my interests and the fact that I’m a Gen X’er, this is ridiculously late. Just finished season one.

Enveloping mist.
Bare trees bloom from the chill gray,
Lonely shapes in black.

Charles Eisenstein: “Economic growth is finding something people used to do for themselves, taking it away and selling it back to them.”

A border collie running an agility course is a being happier than which none can be conceived.

Happy 19th birthday to this kiddo!

Prayer before a fire (stealing lines from both Gandalf and Gordon White):

I am a servant of the secret fire,
The fire of creation.
All fires are the one fire,
And blessed be its flame.

Lovely night for a backyard fire

I finally read that Kingsnorth essay “Against Christian Civilization” and, yeah, it’s a banger.