“It’s Spring again / Don’t God keep a promise / It’s Spring again / Mother Earth keeps her word now / the woman is honest” 🎵
Turn your radio on
One alternative to streaming music I don’t think I’ve ever seen discussed: radio! You probably have an oldies (or similar) station in your area with a local connection. Music: So, yeah, maybe it isn’t your favorite and maybe you have stronger feelings about music discovery than I do. But oldies are basically another canon of standards at this point. It ain’t bad! Local ads: This is America; you don’t get to escape advertising.
One of my favorite songs 🎵
As for your tender heart—
This world’s gonna rip it wide open
It ain’t gonna be pretty
But you’re not alone
Woke up this morning from a very disturbing dream AND with “Sh-boom” by the Chords playing in my head. I think I’ve been watching too much David Lynch.
In our final months in the Holiness church, the Spider Man movie and soundtrack came out. Rachel and I loved it. After church on Sunday nights, we’d roll our tv out of the closet (literally), put in the spider man dvd, go to special features, and watch this video over and over. Good, cheesy memories
Stopped me in my tracks the first time I heard it: “Stand by Me” by the Staples Singers. 🎵
Bless Brother Ali. He can be righteously angry on one track and beautifully moving on another. Indeed, using your heart for what hearts are for.
Sierra Ferrell’s harmony on this song takes me straight back to childhood in Trinity Pentecost Mission in Springville.
- One of the smoothest key changes I’ve ever heard.
- Canst thou shred on a mandolin? Yea, verily.
New song from Nick Shoulders: “Apocalypse Never.”
Cling to joy, don’t let it die
Like the waters, we will rise
He’s also selling a poster (image attached) that will benefit the Palestinian Children’s Relief Fund.