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The Given Life, part 1

My wife and I left the Holiness churches at the beginning of 2004 and joined the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS). I was already a heavy reader of theology at that time (both books and blogs), which is partly why we left Holiness. Once I no longer had to hide my growing and serious disagreements with the churches of my childhood, I started my own blog. My first post was an explanation of why I left Holiness. The post was titled “The Given Life” after the Wendell Berry poem. I’ve thought about reproducing it on this blog but it’s so badly written that I can’t bear it. While I’m not a great writer now, I was much worse then.

Ten years after that I wrote an essay cleverly entitled “Ten Years Out of Fundamentalism.” That one is a bit less embarrassing.

Since this is the twentieth year since we left, I’ve often thought over the last few months of writing a new version of the essay but never got started. So rather than trying to write a single, long piece, I’ve decided to make it easy on myself and write a series of shorter posts, which I’ll gather under a category “The Given Life”, named after that first essay.

First, who are the Holiness people?

I’ll tell you now: you’ve never heard of them. You may think you have but you’re very likely wrong. Not only are they an obscure branch of fundamentalist Christianity, they’re fiercely independent and don’t have a single denominational identifier. Say what you will about the alphabet soup of Christian denominations; at least they’re identifiable.

The Holiness people are a group of independent, traditional Pentecostal Holiness churches.

I should note that I’m explaining the Holiness people as they were when I was among them 20+ years ago. I suspect, based on what I see of them today, that they are not quite so strict as they used to be.

I think that will serve as a decent introduction to the Holiness people. Feel free to add comments or questions, and if anything significant comes up I may edit this post to include it. The next post will shift to my experience in the Holiness churches.

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