Posts in: Short posts

Interesting page on permacomputing, a.k.a., “radically sustainable computing.” Plenty of links. This is way out of my league but some of you may find it valuable.

Alan Moore:

I worship a second century human headed snake god called Glycon, who was exposed as a ventriloquist’s dummy nearly 2000 years ago.

For more see here and here and the video below

Hobbit Day is 33 days away

By some curious chance one morning long ago in the quiet of the world, when there was less noise and more green, and the hobbits were still numerous and prosperous, and Bilbo Baggins was standing at his door after breakfast smoking an enormous long wooden pipe that reached nearly down to his woolly toes (neatly brushed) – Gandalf came by. Illustration by Maurice Sendak

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How to be a good ancestor

Roman Krznaric’s TED talk: It’s time for humankind to recognize a disturbing truth: we have colonized the future. In wealthy countries, especially, we treat it like a distant colonial outpost where we can freely dump ecological damage and technological risk as if there was nobody there. We have colonized the future because we are leaving our ecological and technological problems for future generations to solve. We burden them with our problems and constrain their ability to create their own future.

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Daily Dracula has been such a fun way to read the novel. And now the action is building up as we approach Halloweentide! Halloweentide begins, in our house, the day after Labor Day. Also, I know that it’s called Allhallowtide in the Christian tradition but this is our personal holiday. 😄

I got a great bit of mail from @aa recently! The color of the leather coaster is beautiful. Check out his products here. He even has a snail mail list. Thank you, Aaron!

One of the perks of working remotely for the last couple of years: watching the Tour de France live. I got into watching cycling via the spring classics and they’ll always be special for me. But the Tour is really fun when you’re able to keep up with it live. 🚲

Spotted at a local greenhouse: tiny iridescent frog nestled inside a tiger lily.