Posts in: Short posts

A friend invited me to take what I wanted from a stack of old records he inherited. Some good stuff, especially a stack of Frank Sinatra. But the thing I love most is this absolutely metal cover art on a Jerry Falwell recording. I’ll throw out the record but I want to do something with this cover.

Purple tinged photograph of two men standing before a row of grave stones, with the album title “where are the dead?”

Wonderful TV interview with Jung. One bit to point out: both in regards to advice to older people and the interviewer’s question about the collectivization of humanity, Jung says that life always behaves as if it will go on indefinitely and will resist any effort to nullify it.

When I think of my patients, they all seek their own existence and to assure their own existence against that complete atomization into nothingness and meaninglessness. Man cannot stand a meaningless life.

I’m thankful that the heat wave seems to have broken. It’s a beautiful morning out there right now.

There’s been a lot of talk about discovering other users on lately, so I’ve reworked my bio to include my most frequent topics: “I’m Jeremy. I typically write about gardening, environmental issues, animist spirituality, woodworking, and whatever I’m reading at the moment.”

Walmart’s grocery pickup app now allows you to bring your own reusable bags instead of store-supplied plastic bags. (And if you’re wondering why I shop at Walmart you’ve obviously never lived in small town whose local economy was obliterated by Walmart thirty-some years ago.)