Posts in: Short posts

Made it through a thing today that had been giving me anticipatory stress. Also, two days from substantially complete financial statements and nine days from official issuance. Fresh start coming soon!

Nine days from the final draft of audited financial statements. Almost there! The bad thing about the busiest time of the year falling in summer means that summer goes by way too quickly.

We have reached that point in the annual audit that I feel like an old-timey telephone switchboard operator during a gossip emergency.

Well look at this: actual newsprint. From Heartwood, a forest protection org. Newsprint, by the way, is far more compostable than the full color glossy magazine you might get from the more bougie environmental groups.

To be involved in the economy is to be materially implicated in corruption, destruction, and any number of evils. There are no morally pure enterprises. Follow the money long enough and you will find the corruption.

There is no standpoint of purity. What you can do, however, is keep your conscience alive. You will still be implicated in evil, but you will at least face the fact and do what you can. While it will never feel like enough, it’s better to struggle than to become one of the herd animals.

Taoist and Buddhist shrines in China. Shinto shrines in Japan. Catholic shrines all over Europe. These all fascinate me. Not a lot of shrines in southern Indiana. I want a landscape filled with shrines. I’m not even particular about which gods or spirits. And, no, Walmart and Starbucks don’t count.

Look, I’m glad people are re-discovering HP Lovecraft but some of us have been living in fear of malevolent gods from the briny deep for a while now.