I’m going to have to make this pine needle soda. Easy and, according to Old Farmers Almanac, more vitamin C than orange juice.
There aren’t many videos on the Daoist Foundation’s YouTube channel but I was impressed by the one I watched over the weekend: Lundao 1: The Daoist Tradition. I plan to make my way through the rest. Their site also has a lot of good resources.
Happy 132nd birthday, J.R.R. Tolkien!
My wired headphones went through the washer AND dryer and still work. And even if they didn’t I’d only be out $20. Take that, AirPods!
Skillful use of music in movies can heighten the mood to such an intense degree. Aren’t you glad your life doesn’t have a soundtrack? Allows for a certain obliviousness…
I love Tom Johnson’s antique restoration channel. This video is one of my favorites because of his range of skills and meticulousness.
I never tire of opening a new bar of Dr Bronner’s hippie soap and seeing “All-One!” stamped across it.

Just received a shipment of coffee that a neighbor recommended to me.

Some of us have been saying to upset Christians for years that “Happy Holidays” does not exclude Christmas. Then the HR dept at work puts up signs that say “Happy Hanukkah” and “Happy Kwanzaa” but not “Merry Christmas.” Folks, you’re not helping. Also, should I complain that there’s no Yule sign? ;)
Amazing story (via @ayjay) on newly discovered ways that redwoods survive fire. We went on Tom’s Muir Woods walking tour in 2022. He told us that redwoods are practically immortal, if only humans would stop screwing things up.