Posts in: Short posts

Interviewing candidates today for a newly created financial analyst position. I’m comfortable interviewing for straight-up accounting positions but this one will be something new for me. I’m actually a bit nervous!

Anyone know of a way to see a list of posts that haven’t been categorized? Ideally, within the site itself where I can assign categories to them.

I’ve taken a notion to post occasional videos. Hikes, gardening, woodworking projects, poetry—whatever. I wanted to use’s video capability but the max limit is about one minute. I may create a YouTube account and use their unlisted option, unless anyone knows of an easy non-google way.

Around here, Candlemas means crêpes by candlelight (even if it is the middle of the day).

Either I’ve gotten trapped in a “woodworking + Maine” algorithm or there seems to be a high per capita ratio of woodworkers in Maine.

Technology is a program of control. Within certain limits, this is good & necessary. Outside those limits, it is a rejection of reality. Living in an increasingly artificial time (AI, AR), we must embrace the contingency of reality by being vulnerable, open, & sincere–a hard, countercultural task.