Rachel just reminded me that I had a Tabasco sauce tie collection in the early nineties. I loved loud ties in my teenage years. She thought I was cute. 😄
This morning, my 78 year-old mom called to tell me she has the flu so I’ve been talking to the pharmacy and the doctor all morning to figure out what we need to do. And then I got pulled over on the way into work and given a warning for speeding. So the last three hours have been a hell of a day
Come and get it! I used Kent Rollins’ recipe. So easy.

Solstice ashes have been spread on the garden. Equinox fire is burning.

I didn’t get to have my Agent Cooper coffee and cherry pie at the diner I stopped at the other day. (They were out of cherry pie.) But Rachel took pity on me.

Our town had a successful tornado siren test last week. Then, days later, we had a tornado warning as a ferocious storm came through and the siren didn’t go off. Then it went off randomly at just after midnight today, on a clear and lovely night. So all is going well here.
Resolution: fall asleep in the sunshine more often
Visit to Native American Mounds
I visited a few southern Indiana mounds last Friday. Taking the last visit first, I went to the Angel Mounds site in Evansville. I highly recommend it if you’re in the area. The indoor museum was recently renovated and the videos are all well done. I recommend that you visit outside of school hours (the place gets a lot of field trips) since it allows you to walk the grounds in peace and imagine the lives of the people.
Ancestor shrine
I’ve moved my ancestor shrine back downstairs where it can be in a more actively used part of the house. Left to right: A bell used by my maternal grandfather to start Sunday School, which he oversaw for 30+ years. Picture of my dad holding a fish, standing next to the 1977 GMC Caballero which passed from my uncle to my grandfather to my dad to me, until I decided it was a bit too cumbersome for an heirloom and sold it.
The beautiful Wabash, and Francis Vigo looking like he’s just been surprised on the toilet