Posts in: Gardening

I’m more proud of this carrot than I have any right to be

Carrot against a background of lord garden plants

Entrance to Green Man’s Grotto is finally complete. We’ll see if the wood-burned sign weathers well. I covered it in a few coats of polyurethane.

entrance to garden with new welcome signs

We built a new raised bed this week. That’s not a trick of perspective: it actually is much narrower at the far end. On this end is a mound (hard to see) for a three sisters planting. Past that is amaranth, then two columbine plants at the far end.

Newly built window box is up. Lean out the window and there’s a salad waiting for you.

Green Man’s Grotto is showing signs of life! Phlox is blooming:

Yarrow is back and is spreading around the pond:

Two paths ahead of us with regard to climate change

Early on in At Work in the Ruins, Dougald Hine discusses the overall response to climate change. He says we have entered a new phase of the process in which the dominant institutions have accepted the reality of climate change and are at least talking about acting accordingly. (I take him to mean that the era of climate change denialism is substantially over. I do not take him to mean that our institutions are acting in suitably radical ways.

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